by: Wandi Adiansah, Moch. Iqbal Makatita, Hendra Nugraha1
Social problem is a social phenomenon that is always there in the community. Along with the process of social change, social issues is always evolving in terms of both quality and quantity. Social problems that arise inevitably have always faced as none of the social problems that occur can be avoided just like that. Over time the social problems that occurred in Indonesia growing and increasingly diverse kinds. Increasing poverty, corruption, unemployment, low levels of health, education and welfare of the public is a bit of many examples of social problems that occurred in Indonesia. To overcome these problems of course this needs to be the concern of all parties. Good collaboration between the government, the public and other parties is needed to overcome this. It is also necessary awareness and utilization of the various parties and the potential opportunities that exist as a way out of these problems. One is the social entrepreneurship movement. A movement for change in order to help others and provide maximum benefit for many people. This is similar to the movement initiated by three students of the Department of Social Welfare Faculty of Social Sciences ubuntu named Literaculture.
Keywords: Social Issues, Indonesia, Social Welfare, Social Entrepreneurship, Literaculture.
Indonesia is a developing country with a high population levels. The high level of population is unfortunately not accompanied by an increase in welfare rates. Increasingly high rates of poverty, unemployment, corruption and low levels of education, health and well-being exacerbated list of problems that exist in this country. It has been almost 68 years of this nation's independence, but we can not deny the various social problems still exist and as ingrained in Indonesian society these problems even more comfortable and seemed to not want to go on living in this country.
Jenssen (in Edi Suharto, 1997:153) 2 said that in general, the problem can be defined as the difference between expectation and reality or as a gap between the existing situation with the situation should be. In this case, the problems that have been mentioned upfront is a condition that is not expected, but in fact has occurred as a gap.
1. Social Welfare
Many social problems that occurred in Indonesia showed that the level of social welfare of Indonesian society can be said to be still low. Elizabeth Wickenden3 defines social welfare as:
, AUA system of law, programs, benefits, and service roomates Strengthen or assure provision for meeting basic social needs Recognized As for the welfare of the population and for the functioning of the social order.
Meanwhile, according to Law No. 6 of 1974 on the basic provisions of social welfare. Sosial4 welfare is a system of life and social life, material and spiritual, pervaded by a sense of safety, decency and inner and outer peace are possible for every citizen to hold the business needs physical, spiritual, and social as well as possible for themselves, families and communities to uphold the rights and obligations in accordance with the philosophy of human being of our country, namely Pancasila.
By looking at the social conditions that exist in Indonesian society today certainly welfare conditions mandated by the Act has not yet been fulfilled. Variety of social problems awaiting solution with immediate efforts of the various parties in order to achieve the expected social welfare.
The most fundamental social problems in the life of Indonesian society is the problem of poverty. It is said that because of this one issue alone can bring a variety of other problems such as unemployment, low education and public health and other issues. Various attempts have been made by the government and various stakeholders to address this issue. However, the efforts that have been made that have not achieved the desired results. Nicholls (2008) and Dees (2001) 5 expressly explained that the government does not have the ability to solve all these problems. Therefore, we need a movement that came from the community and aims to solve social problems or meet needs can be a solution. And the movement is a movement of social entrepreneurship.
2. Social Entrepreneurship
Greegory Dees6 explained that different social entrepreneurship with entrepreneurial businesses in many ways. The key difference is that social entrepreneurship stand / walk with a mission / social goals explicit / clear in mind. Their main goal is to make the world better. It affects how they measure their success and structuring management. In this course necessary change agents who are able to see opportunity in a problem and willing to take risks. Such people are an entrepreneur. Adam Smith (in Holt, 1992 in Dwi Riyanti, 2003: 23) 7 see entrepreneurship as a person who has an unusual sight that can identify potential demand for goods and services. In Smith's view, entrepreneurs react to economic change and become agents of economic change requests into production.
Similarly, a social enterprise they should be able to innovate by exploiting all the potential and opportunities that exist. By taking advantage of opportunities from every social problem that there was a social entrepreneurship course will be able to provide solutions and bring about change towards a better Indonesia. The same is done by three students of the Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Social Welfare set up a ubuntu with social entrepreneurship movement called Literaculture.
3. Literaculture
Literaculture is a social movement in the form of galleries child's play as a means to develop themselves from early on. Literaculture established in mid-2013 and was initiated by three students of Padjadjaran University Faculty of Social Sciences Social Welfare ie Adiansah Wandi, M. Iqbal Makatita and Hendra Nugraha. Literaculture name itself comes from two syllables, ie, Äúliterature, Äù which means reading and, Äúculture, Äù which means culture. The second word of the name was born Literaculture that have cultural meaning to read. The reading culture is expected to be implanted in people's lives and will continue to evolve and passed down from generation to generation, especially in the younger generation as a culture.
Starting from concerns about social problems that occurred in Indonesia, particularly the issues surrounding children and adolescents such as juvenile delinquency, gadget addict, and low interest in reading Indonesian society, especially among children and adolescents. We tried to create a social movement that aims to solve the social problems with movement program emphasizes reading in children and adolescents as a means to develop the potential of every child in Indonesia.
Literaculture is a movement that also takes the concept of social entrepreneurship movement. In terms of its business, running a service business literaculture order book for students and the general public. Additionally literaculture also provide procurement services for libraries books kindergarten, school and library in the village. Then, as many as 80 percent of the benefits of booking services and procurement of the books used for social activities. One of the social activities are run by Studio Playing literaculture Literaculture.
Playing Literaculture own studio located in the hamlet village Rancabawang Cinanjung Tanjungsari District Sumedang District. The studio we use as a means for reading meningakatkan children and adolescents around the village Cinanjung. Not only that Studio Play Literaculture also focuses on education and development of children's potential. In addition to the mini library, means that we have developed is sport facilities as well as modern and traditional arts to embody and develop the potential of children and teens in the village.
Vision and Mission are held and are always an encouragement and motivation for us is to create a society that makes reading as a noble tradition, making the book as asset wealth, and make science as a means of pious charity.
With the entrepreneurial Literaculture movement is expected, the children of Indonesia, especially in the village of Cinanjung can develop their potential, reaching their dreams and their future and can bring change to the nation of Indonesia.
Indonesia still has a myriad of social problems. With so many social problems that occurred in Indonesia, it can be said Indonesian social welfare level is still low. Required efforts of various parties to solve various social problems that exist. And there needs to be a bottom-up movement that encourages Indonesia to change. One such movement is the movement of social entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial movement that is not only oriented to profit materially, but also aimed at social usefulness for as many people. This is consistent with the literaculture movement a movement that aims to cultivate reading among children and adolescents as a means to develop the potential of children to achieve social welfare in this beloved country.
1Penulis adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial FISIP UNPAD
2Edi Suharto, 1997. Pembangunan, Kebijakan Sosial & Pekerjaan Sosial. Bandung: Lembaga Studi Pembangunan.
3Wibhawa, Budhi, dkk. 2010. Dasar-Dasar Pekerjaan Sosial Pengantar Profesi Pekerjaan Sosial. Bandung: Widya Padjadjaran.
4Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 1974 tentang Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pokok Kesejahteraan Sosial.
6Wibhawa, Budhi, dkk. 2011. Social Entrepreneurship Social Entreprise Corporate Social Responsibility Pemikiran, Konseptual dan Praktik. Bandung: Widya Padjadjaran.
7Benedicta Prihatin Dwi Riyanti. 2003. Kewirausahaan dari Sudut Pandang Psikologi Kepribadian. Jakarta: PT Grasindo.